he / it
species: Human
age: 24
rank: Employee
Birthday: 16 March "The Foolishly Courageous Fighter"

A human working for the company to clear off loans and debts.

STORY Fourth oldest member out of everyone in the crew. Pretty much the second member of the crew as it and Pemantau are the one who formed this crew.

Easily outgoing, has good terms with almost everyone except a particular someone. Still longing to visit its family from time to time, but the company is too strict to allow that.

Copes with the whole company gig by not thinking too much, but try to learn new interesting stuffs. Which is why it picked up on the "beating up monsters with a shovel for fun" gig. It helps, even if he's not the best at it.


- Pretty much functions the same as a regular employee

- He likes reading the bestiary a lot and will occasionally ramble about the bestiary informations.
- Pencabar has a bad track record of dying while on the job, but everyone is practically used to it.
- This is because these "deaths" are mostly just for gags
- Pencabar and Pemantau WILL spend their earned credits on useless stuffs for jokes and giggles.
- It borrows R1S1_K0's shovel by a lot!! get yo own shovel..

Hitting monsters with a shovelMaskeds
The terminal's bestiaryCollecting too much scraps
Hoarding Bugs21-Offense


RISIKO Crew Member, Good terms
"It's been a month since we first met, and they're already promotwd to leader! Man, how time flies."
"Dia often oevrworsk themselves. They worry me sometimes. I know they're like, mechanical and all but the amount of extra jobs they take is.. alarming. Sometimes dia would finsih finding scraps in which, we wouldn't even get to find them ourselves. They really need that pay, I guess."
"I saw what dia said about me, and I'd say I'm very flatwrred! This work life needs some kick to it anyways"

"THAT'S MY BEST FIREND!!! There's a reason why OUR ICONS are right beside EACH OTHER on the employee list Thanks, Pendiam!!. We even wear name tags of each other's cplours!!"
"We're practically like two peas in a pod. At least, when cog's not taking the monitor duty. We'd mess around in the facility a LOT, because RISIKO often insist on cpllectinf all the scraps on their own. He even helps me out to kill some of the monsters!! she's really good at it!"
"Oh, she's scarily good on the terminal. Never in my lief have I ever met someone who uses the termnial as good as him."

PENDIAM Crew Member, Friend?
"Oh, I like this guy! We're friends, I think."
"They know SOOO much abotu the monstwrs on thsee abandoned moons. They even gave me pwrsonal tips on how to counter em!! amazing AND helpful!"
"I wonder what those disks they're collecting are for. As far as I'm aware, they can't be sold."

MEL/KOMELDI Crew Member, Dislike
"I'm gonna be honest i was peer pressured to hate them. I never quite understood why my mates hate them by a ton."
"Until I found out what it does. Kill us, So now I understand."

PEKAN Friend, Good terms
"Oh HEY! its the nutcracjer tning i found back in the mansion. I was SOO glad i stumbled across this one instead of the regualr nutcrackers."
"I think I made friends with it? Ia sounded so eager to listen to me yap about monsters, or me and my crew's daily routines, odd encounters and all that."